Điều khoản sử dụng website

This section sets forth the Terms of Use of this website. By accessing the website or any part of it, you agree to these Terms.


DR and other parties are the owners of the trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this website. Such trademarks, logos and service marks are not permitted without the written consent of DR or their owners.

The materials on this website are protected by copyright. No one may modify, copy, record in electronic memory, translate, reproduce, distribute, use for commercial or public purposes any part of these materials without prior written permission. prior written consent.

No guarantee

Materials, including text, images, links or other items on this website are provided as-is, as-is. DR does not warrant the accuracy, suitability and completeness of the material, and to the extent permitted by law, disclaims responsibility for errors or omissions in the documentation. Except for warranties that cannot be excluded by law, no warranties of any kind are given with respect to this website and the material, whether implied, express, or implied. provisions, including, but not limited to, warranties not to infringe third-party rights, proprietary rights, or virus-free warranties.

DR does not guarantee that e-mails sent to DR over the Internet will be completely secured. DR will not be liable for any damages suffered by users if users send e-mails to DR, or if DR sends emails over the Internet to users at their request. DR is not responsible in any way for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising from the use of this website.


reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time by posting notice on the website

Commitment to implementation and dispute resolution

Both parties commit to strictly implement the Terms and Conditions. Any disagreement arising during the implementation process will be resolved according to the principle of negotiation and conciliation. If the disagreement cannot be resolved by the method of negotiation and conciliation, it will be resolved by a competent court. .

Applicable law

These Terms and Conditions shall be enforced in accordance with the applicable Laws of Vietnam. All Terms and Conditions are made in Vietnamese and English versions. In the event of any conflict between the two, Vietnamese version will be used.